Friday, April 22, 2022

Pictures From April's Grading

Working on basic blocks

Working on basic punches

Training Week Starting Monday 25th

Just a reminder, karate is on Monday & Tuesday next week due to the church being unavailable on Thursday.
Student of the month at the end of the month, who gets it, is up to you and how much you put into training & practice... I can't practice for you... as I've said before you come to the dojo to learn and you take that home to practice... you only get out what you put in...

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Whole Club Grading

Well done tonight guys,
Overall a good grading, I’m very proud of you all.
The feedback you received from Sensei Steve is constructive.
We all, including myself have a few things to work on, we will work on these together.
Thank you Sensei Steve Buckley for taking the grading.
Congratulations again.

Leo (White – Yellow)
Sean, Tilly, Oliver & Bluebell (Yellow – Orange)
Lauren, Annamarie and Riley (Orange – Green)

Thursday, April 14, 2022

No Training Tonight

As you know there is no karate this evening, enjoy your Easter break and see you Tuesday 👍

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Change in lesson date

Hi all,
As mentioned last night there will be no training on Thursday 28th April we will be training Monday 25th & Tuesday 26th that week, sorry for the inconvenience... as you all realise we train in a church, the church has other commitments we do have to work around.
Thanks Steve